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Participants needed for pilot test of a novel mobility device

Posted by School of Physiotherapy on December 13, 2022 in General Announcements

We are a group of Dalhousie researchers in the Faculty of Health. We are conducting a study, entitled “Sit-to-stand transfer mechanics: A pilot test of a novel mobility device.” The intent of this study is to understand how people transfer from sit-to-stand with decreasing seat heights using Axtion Independence Mobility Inc’s mobility device.

We will be measuring your trunk and lower extremity motion, and muscle activation during the task as well as determining your knee muscle strength. This will aid future research examining the use of the device to help people who have difficulty with getting out of a chair.  

We are currently recruiting participants for our study.  Eligible individuals include those 50 years and older with healthy lower limbs and back. Your participation will include making one visit to the School of Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University for approximately 1.5 hours. We will measure how you transfer from sit-to-stand as we lower the seat height, recording how you move and how your muscles activate. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact us at