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Research Opportunity ‑ Usability Study of ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour

Posted by Department of Psychology and Neuroscience on June 9, 2021 in General Announcements

​Usability Study of ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour

Recruiting 15 Canadian Classroom Teachers and 10 Stakeholders (e.g., school psychologists, behaviour specialists, principals, vice-principals)

What's the Usability Study?    

  • We have developed a new ASSIST module named ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour. We are evaluating the usability of this new module.
  • The purpose of this current study is to understand the perspective of potential end-users (i.e., classroom teachers) and stakeholders (i.e., school psychologists, behavioural specialists, school administrators (e.g., principals, vice-principals) on the usability of the new ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour module. To achieve this objective, we are inviting up to 25 participants (i.e., 15 end-users and 10 stakeholders) from across Canada to review the new ASSIST module and to provide feedback on the module.

What Does the Study Involve? 

  • You will complete a demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire about previous learning related to disruptive classroom behaviours before accessing the ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour module. Each questionnaire will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
  • After completing these questionnaires, you will be provided with an access code to the ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour module. 
  • After reviewing each of the six sessions of the module, you will be asked to complete a Session Feedback Questionnaire, which takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Once the last Session Feedback Questionnaire is complete, you will be asked to complete a Module Feedback Questionnaire. The Module Feedback Questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 
  • The total time commitment for participation, including completing the two questionnaires before reviewing the module, reviewing the six sessions and completing the questionnaires, and completing the final questionnaire is expected to be approximately 4-5 hours.

Will the Study Cost Me Anything and, if so, How Will I Be Reimbursed? 

  • Internet access is required for participation in the study and the costs of accessing the internet while participating in the study will be the participants' responsibility. There are no further costs to participation. 
  • Once you have reviewed all six sessions of the module and completed all of the questionnaires, you will receive a 100 CAD Amazon gift card via email.

To participate, go to and click "register now"