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Studley planned power outage

Posted by Facilities Management on December 7, 2020 in Facilities Management

As part of the yearly high voltage maintenance, we still need to do some transformer oil testing at 4 locations on Studley Campus. It should only be four 30 minute or less shutdowns so we may only need 2 hours total but I put a 3-4 hour scenario together in case it is needed.

We are planning on doing this testing on Sunday, December 13th between 7-11 am

Killam Library – between 7-8 am – ( this will also shut down LMP, Studley Gym, Howe Hall, Chemistry and MacDonald buildings)

Henry Hicks Bldg – between 8-9am – (this will also shut down the University Club)

Computer Science Bldg – between 9-10am (no other buildings affected)

Shirreff Hall – between 10-11am (no other buildings affected)

Please contact Glen Deveau, Project Manager at 902-222-2217 with questions or concerns.