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Listeners needed for experiment

Posted by School of Human Communication Disorders/Health on January 29, 2018 in General Announcements

The Alberta Phonetics Laboratory in collaboration with the School of Human Communication Disorders at Dalhousie University is currently running an experiment about speech and how we understand it, and we would love to include you in our research! The experiment will take place in Speech Science Laboratory (room 2C45, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building). Volunteers will be tasked with listening to a series of words and responding whether each word is a real word in English or not. A participant can participate in up to two one hour sessions.

If you would like to help us unravel the complexities of spoken language and are a native speaker of Canadian English who grew up in the eastern part of Canada (Manitoba or eastern) and fall within the age range of 18 to 30, please sign up at For additional questions, send an email with “ecMALD” somewhere in the subject line.

Volunteers will receive $10 per one hour session.​