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The ALURE of the Authentic Large‑scale Undergraduate Research Experience

Posted by Centre for Learning and Teaching on June 7, 2017 in General Announcements

The ALURE of the Authentic Large-scale Undergraduate Research Experience

Dr. Susan Rowland
Deputy Director, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
University of Queensland, Australia

Monday, June 19, 2017
9:00 am to 11:30 am
Killam Library, Room 2600

Are you a Science educator who wants to give more students the opportunity to do research as undergraduates? Are you reaching capacity in the undergraduate research programs you already offer? Do you have students arriving in the professional research laboratories who don’t have an understanding of how to behave as a professional scientist?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, a large-scale undergraduate research experience might be the solution for you.

This practical workshop is designed for academics who want to implement a large-scale URE in their own context. Participants will have access to data and design resources from our Australian National Leadership Grant project (, and we will work together to design your own large-scale URE.

As we work we will also consider how you, as an implementer, can tap into the funding and reward structure of your university to gain recognition for and publish your work. Join me and your colleagues to discover the ALURE of large-scale undergraduate research.

About Susan Rowland
Associate Professor Susan Rowland completed a BSc Hons and PhD at the University of Sydney, Australia, and a Human Frontiers in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Connecticut, USA.
She is currently Deputy Director of the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) and a teaching-focused faculty member in School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB) at the University of Queensland, Australia. Susan has been a Manning Clark Fellow an American Society for Microbiology Biology Scholar. She has won multiple awards for her teaching, including an Australian Award for University Teaching (2014) and the 2014 Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Beckman Coulter Award for Teaching Excellence. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2016). In 2017 she is a UQ Teaching Fellow, focusing on Work Integrated Learning for Science students.
Susan teaches biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology at undergraduate and postgraduate level at the University of Queensland. Her Scholarship of Teaching and Learning focuses on the development of student professionalism through immersion in authentic scientific practice. She has particular interests in undergraduate research experiences and science communication.

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