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Schedule of Important Dates, Information, and Contacts for Fiscal Year‑End

Posted by Financial Services on March 1, 2017 in General Announcements


TO: The Dalhousie Community

FROM: Mary-Ann Rowlston, Controller

DATE: March 1, 2017

RE: Schedule of Important Dates, Information, and Contacts for Fiscal Year-End

The following year-end cut-off dates are being provided to assist individuals with responsibility for University financial accounts as we approach the University’s fiscal year-end, March 31, 2017. This information should be made available to all persons in your department who are responsible for processing these transactions.

The preliminary cut-off will occur on April 3, 2017. Reports will be available for review via Finance Self-Serve and Eprint on April 6, 2017. Between April 6th and April 12th at noon, final 2016-17 adjustments can be sent to Financial Services for processing.

Please review the list of important year-end dates below. These deadlines are necessary in order to complete the University’s fiscal year-end reports and financial statements within the reporting requirements established by the Board of Governors.

Please refer to the Financial Services homepage ( for the list of year-end contacts and additional information relating to year-end.

It is only through the cooperation of everyone on campus who is involved in the year-end process that we are able to meet the reporting deadlines.


March 2017 Individuals with responsibility for accounts should review transactions for
2016-17 to date for possible adjustments or outstanding transactions.

Tuesday, March 7th Adjustments relating to the Bi-weekly Payroll to be received in Payroll Services.

Wednesday, March 8th Adjustments relating to the Monthly Payroll to be received in Payroll Services.

Thursday, March 23rd Services Rendered questionnaires requiring ruling for Independent Contractor
status received in Financial Services.

Monday, April 3rd Service Area uploads – electronic file and hard copy to be received in Financial
(2:00 pm) Services.

(2:00 pm) Preliminary adjustments for 2016-17 to be received in Financial Services.
The following documents and information must be received by this date for the transactions to be included in the preliminary financial reports available April 6h, 2016; Cheque requisitions and travel claims; Journal Entries; Cash Deposits; Invoices for Payment and receiving copies of PO's for goods received before April 1, 2017.

Wednesday, April 5th Finance Self-Serve will be unavailable from 1:30pm on April 5th until Thursday, April 6th (for preliminary year-end close).

Thursday, April 6th Preliminary year-end information will be available on FSS and in Eprint. This information should be reviewed and final adjustments sent to Financial Services by noon on Wednesday April 12th.

Wednesday, April 12th FINAL YEAR-END CUTOFF
(NOON) Deadline for final adjustments for 2016-17 to be received in Financial Services.
The following documents and information must be received by this date to be included in the final financial reports; Final Journal Entries, Requests for Accruals (supplier invoices) and Accounts Receivable adjustments and supporting detailed listings (including subsequent deposit information).

Late June 2017 Final account information for 2016-17 is available in FSS and Eprint.