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Healthy research participants 55+ needed to test a game targeting attention

Posted by Psychiatry on February 6, 2017 in General Announcements

We are looking for research participants to try out a brain training game aiming to improve attention. The study involves two sessions at Dalhousie University before and after five sessions of at-home computer activities.

What is this study about?
We are developing a computer game that we hope will help with attention problems that people often experience after stroke. Before we see how this game works for people who have had a stroke, we need to see how it works for healthy adults.

What would the study involve?
If you agree to be in this study, we will ask you to complete a short computer activity from home once a day, for five sessions.
You will also come in for 2 sessions at Dalhousie University, where you will complete some attention tasks.

Who can participate?
For this study to be right for you, the following must apply:
• You are 55 years or older
• You have a computer with an internet connection at home
• You have normal or corrected-to-normal vision (no colour blindness; glasses are OK).
• You have no current psychiatric or neurological disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, anxiety disorders).

For more information, contact:
Emily Patrick, Research Assistant
Telephone: (902) 494-4033

ROMEO File # 1017042 January 3rd, 2017 – Version 1.3