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Student Services office on the Agricultural Campus is now the Student Success Centre

Posted by Student Affairs on December 19, 2016 in General Announcements

To align with the recent rebranding of Dalhousie University Student Services to Student Affairs (see the Dal News article), the Student Services office on the Agricultural Campus will now be called the Student Success Centre.

The name change reflects the notion that while the office provides services to students, the focus and approach of the office is about much more than that. The Centre works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students to support the student learning experience and the academic mission of the university. The Student Success Centre aims to support all student successes—whether they are academic, health, or career focused. The name change also reflects the mandate of Student Affairs to encourage and create holistic and student-centric approaches to fostering student success.

Matthew Guy, director of the Student Success Centre, is the newest addition to the Agricultural Campus, beginning in his new role in September of this year. He has brought a wealth of experience in student affairs to the role, particularly from his time in Residence Life at Acadia University. Matthew believes the rebranding is a change for the better.

“Although Student Services reflects the individual tasks we perform, ‘Student Success’ speaks to what we aim to achieve as part of this campus community,” he says. “Our team in the Student Success Centre is committed to students’ success and we work every day to assist students in meeting their individual goals. Given that our whole team focuses on helping students, ‘Student Success Centre’ is the logical name for the place where we do that!”

The name change is being implemented on campus through new signage, website changes, and social media re-branding.