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ITS Notice: Guard your privacy when offline or traveling

Posted by ITS on October 7, 2016 in General Announcements

People are frequently more vulnerable when traveling because a break from their regular routine or encounters with unfamiliar situations often result in less cautious behavior. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, these five tips will help you protect yourself and guard your privacy.

  • Install a device finder or manager on your mobile device in case it's lost or stolen. Avoid announcing on social media social media that you're away from home. This is one way burglars find their next target.
  • If you're traveling with a laptop remove or encrypt confidential information.
  • Limit personal information stored on devices. Your own information AND others as well.
  • Use a laptop lock, avoid carrying identification cards, shred sensitive paperwork before you recycle it, and watch out for "shoulder surfers" at the ATM.

For more tips, information, and details please visit the Information Security area on the ITS web site.