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Experiences of Canadian distance education social work students with mental health (dis)abilities

Posted by Centre for Learning and Teaching on September 28, 2016 in Job Postings

Experiences of Canadian Distance Education Social Work Students with Mental Health (dis)Abilities

Rose Singh
Masters of Social Work
Dalhousie University

This workshop highlights findings from my thesis research, on the experiences of Canadian distance education social work students with mental health (dis)Abilities. Six study participants from two Canadian universities shared multifaceted experiences of adapting, coping, and navigating through their online courses and programs. Participants also shared suggestions on how their institutions could be more supportive. In this workshop, we will reflect upon and discuss how distance education programs could become more accessible and inclusive for post-secondary students living with mental health (dis)Abilities.

To register for this event please visit

Starts: Tuesday October 4, 2016 - 01:00 to 02:00 PM

Halifax - Killam Library, Room B400
Truro - A video conference room will be available. Truro attendees will be notified prior to the event.