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This week's specials at the Dal U Club ~ Your club

Posted by The Dalhousie University Club on July 4, 2016 in General Announcements

July 4 and onwards
Monday ~ Tomato & Herbs Soup (vegetarian) ~ Special ~ Grilled Cheddar& Bacon Sandwich with house made tomato jam and UClub's Macaroni Salad

Tuesday ~ Curried Cauliflower (Vegan) Soup ~ Special ~Falafel with side summer greens and our house made French Vinaigrette

Wednesday ~Roasted Corn and Sweet Potato Chowder ~Special Baked Lemon Breaded Haddock with roasted red peppers and side of UClub's Macaroni salad

Thursday ~ Irish Potato and Spinach Soup ~ Special ~ Cobb Salad

Friday ~ Specials ~ Butter Chicken on UClub rice or ~ Deep fried Haddock and chipsĀ