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What do children aged 4‑8 understand when a diagnosis of diabetes is given?

Posted by Faculty of Medicine on June 22, 2016 in General Announcements

We are looking to recruit participants for a research study that is being performed by a Dalhousie medical student in conjunction with researchers at the IWK. This study looks at what young children, aged 4-8, understand when a diagnosis of diabetes is given.

Parents and children would be required to come in to the IWK. Children would do a short language assessment with researchers, followed by reading a story about a young child with type 1 diabetes. They would then be asked a few questions about the story. Parents will be asked to fill our a short questionnaire while the children are with the researcher.

Children will be given a small gift certificate to thank them for their participation and parents will be given either bus tickets or a parking pass to help cover transportation costs. The whole process would take about 60-90 minutes. 

Please contact us at 902-470-6906 or email for more information!