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Grant Paid Job Opportunity

Posted by School of Public Administration/Faculty of Management on April 19, 2016 in Job Postings

Start date: May 1st, 2016 (1 month probation)
End date: September 9th, 2016 (negotiable)
Location: Dalhousie University
Remuneration: $23 per hour
Workload: 15 hours per week (negotiable)

The project “How best to structure interdisciplinary primary care teams” is a Knowledge Synthesis Project funded through the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. Some details can be found at: . One of the planned outputs of the project is an electronic decision support tool. A research assistant is required to assist with the technical aspects of the preparation of this tool.

The RA is expected to work on the development of a web-based electronic database that stores and displays static qualitative information. The first layer of information can be visualized as a matrix with inputs in the columns and outputs in the rows. End users will be able to unpack further layers of information. The end product must be easy-to-use and in general provide a professional-quality user experience.

The ideal candidate must be enrolled in a graduate program or the fourth year of an undergraduate program in Computer Science or a closely related discipline. The ideal candidate must have demonstrated web development skills, an ability to work as a member of a research team, and an ability to work on tasks independently with minimal supervision. Some background in health related disciplines would be an asset, but is not required.
To apply, please forward your application letter, current CV, and the names of at least two referees who can speak to your research and/or technical skills to Dominika Wranik at Use the subject line: RA Position – Web Tool. Deadline is April 25th, 2015. I will contact only successful candidates.