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Submissions to the Senate ad hoc committee on Fossil Fuel Divestment

Posted by Senate ad hoc committee on Fossil Fuel Divestment on October 5, 2015 in General Announcements

The ad hoc committee on Fossil Fuel Divestment will continue to receive submissions until October 14, 2015 and they will be incorporated these submissions into the Preliminary Report.

Submissions received on or after October 15, 2015 will be incorporated into the final report.

The original call for submissions is posted below.


ad hoc committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment
Call for Submissions

Dear Members of Academic Units:
On December 8, 2014 Senate approved a motion creating an ad hoc committee to examine Fossil Fuel Divestment. The committee and its mandate were finalized in June, and it held its first meeting in July. By way of follow-up to the notice from Senate inviting input into its work, the ad hoc Committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment would like to invite all academic units who self-identify as potentially affected by fossil fuel divestment to submit to the ad hoc committee a two page summary statement outlining possible pros and cons from either divesting or not divesting to their academic programs and research. Units are encouraged to provide evidence where possible. Appendices and attachments are permitted.

To be clear, the ad hoc committee welcome submissions from all departments, even if their faculty has already done so.

The committee's mandate identifies September 15th as the formal deadline for submissions, but the committee will continue to review submissions received on or before September 30, 2015. The ad hoc committee does not require the submissions to be approved by each Faculty Council, but would encourage units to develop their submission with open consultation throughout the unit, including student societies. The level of support the submission has received should be clearly identified. The ad hoc committee will receive these reports and prepare a summary document collating the possible pros and cons of proposed divestment and submit this to Senate. Additionally, all submissions will be attached to the final report as appendices.

Please distribute this request for a two page submission to all members of your academic units that may potentially be affected by fossil fuel divestment. Please note that the two page submission should be received by Andrea Power, Associate Secretary, Senate, University Secretariat by September 30, 2015 at

If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Power, Associate Secretary, Senate.

Thank you.

Meinhard Doelle, Schulich School of Law
Adam Donaldson, Faculty of Engineering
Tom Duck, Faculty of Science
Ruth Forsdyke, Faculty of Science
Keith Taylor, Faculty of Science
Jeremy Banks, Faculty of Architecture and Planning