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Teaching Assistant Posting: History of Science and Technology Programme (University of King's College)

Posted by History of Science and Technology Programme (University of King's College) on August 19, 2015 in Job Postings

Teaching Assistant Position
History of Science and Technology Programme
University of King’s College

The History of Science and Technology Programme at the University of King’s College invites applications for one (1) Teaching Assistant position for “Magic, Science and the Occult: from Antiquity to Postmodernity” (HSTC 2120/EMSP 2360/HIST 2990) in the Fall 2015 Term.  The class is open to second-year and higher-level students in both arts and sciences at King's College and Dalhousie University. TA duties will include attending lectures (3 hrs per week), grading assignments and exams and assisting students as needed with their assignments.  The TA for this course must also be prepared to consult on a regular basis with the instructor regarding the approach taken in grading and expectations. Please consult the Dalhousie Academic Timetable regarding the class times. Candidates may come from various fields (this is a widely interdisciplinary programme) but should have at least an undergraduate degree. Graduates with some background in the history of Western esotericism (Hermeticism, Alchemy, Gnosticism, Cabala, Neoplatonism, etc.) are encouraged to apply. The University of King's College is an equal opportunity employer.

Questions regarding the position can be directed to:
Dr. Kyle Fraser
422-1271, ex. 230

Please send an application letter indicating that you are applying for HSTC 2120 and a C.V. (including a statement concerning your teaching experience), to Sharon Brown, HSTC Programme Office, University of King’s College.

Alternatively, you may submit the application via e-mail to

The deadline is Friday, August 28, 2015