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Parents: What do you think about your child's sleep?

Posted by Department of Psychology and Neuroscience on August 19, 2015 in General Announcements

Researchers at Dalhousie University/IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Western University, in London, Ontario, Canada are interested in better understanding how parents think about their children’s sleep and what parents do to help children sleep at night.

If you are a parent of a generally physically healthy 2- to 10-year old child and would be willing to help us with this study, we look forward to hearing from you!

Our study is conducted online, in three separate steps. The first step involves completing a series of questionnaires about your child’s sleep, your thoughts and beliefs about sleep, parenting, and daytime behaviours. These questionnaires take about 1.5 hours in total, but you’ll have 2 weeks to finish them, which makes it a bit more manageable. They don’t have to be done all at once.

The second step involves telling us a bit about your child and family and completing at least 4 of 7 sleep diaries over the course of one week. Each sleep diary should take about 15-20 minutes.

In part 3, which takes place one month after part 1, you’ll re-do some of the questionnaires. We’re interested in seeing what kind of difference, if any, a month makes. This should take about an hour, and, again, can be completed in more than one sitting.

At the end of each step, you’ll be entered into a draw to win one of 50 Amazon gift cards. This is a small thank-you for your time.

Your participation can play an important role in understanding children’s sleep. Ultimately, you’ll be helping parents and professionals help children sleep better at night.

For more information, follow the link to the study:

You may also contact our Project Coordinators, Oana Bucsea and Adam Newton, or the Study Investigator, Dr. Graham Reid by phone at 1-844-240-8669 or by email at or