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Amended Call for Nominations: Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment

Posted by Dalhousie University Senate on April 20, 2015 in General Announcements

APRIL 13, 2015

At the April 13 meeting of Senate the mandate of the Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment was amended from “receiving these reports and preparing a summary document…” to “receiving and providing critical evaluation of these reports and preparing a summary document…” (see full amended motion below).  Given the change in mandate of the committee from collecting and summarizing material to critically evaluating material, SPGC is amending the call for nominations to the committee.  People already nominated will be retained as having been nominated and will be contacted again about their willingness to serve if selected for the revised Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment.

Members of the University community who wish to submit nominations for five positions on the ad hoc committee of Senate, which will be examining the potential impact of fossil fuel divestment as it relates to academics and research at Dalhousie University, should send them to Alan Pinder (, Chair, Senate Planning and Governance Committee, University Secretariat, Room 210, Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building, by April 24, 2015.

Please note that the motion indicates that a report will be submitted by the ad hoc committee to Senate no later than September 15, 2015.                                        

(i)   there be a renewed, well-informed discussion of fossil fuel divestment at an October 2015 meeting of Senate.

(ii) to ensure that the discussion is well informed, that all academic units that self-identify as potentially affected by fossil fuel divestment be invited to submit a maximum two page summary statement outlining opportunities and threats of proposed divestment to an ad hoc committee of Senate, no later than September 15, 2015
(iii) that an ad hoc committee of Senate composed of no more than 5 knowledgeable persons be charged with receiving and providing critical evaluation of these reports and preparing a summary document collating the opportunities and threats of proposed divestment

(iv)  this document be brought to Senate for review and discussion in October, 2015 and, in the interests of transparency, be made available to all Dalhousie faculty members and the DSU.