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Healthy Volunteers +45 years Needed for Study "Skills to Help Attention Recover in Parkinson's"

Posted by Psychology and Neuroscience and Psychiatry on January 19, 2015 in General Announcements

What is your role in our study?

• In this study, we are asking if daily mental exercises
can improve thinking and daily activities.
• Some people with Parkinson’s have trouble paying
attention or holding information in their minds in order
to do a task, such as reading, or listening to a
• Your role is to be part of a comparison group in our
Parkinson’s study of mental exercises.

How is the study being done?

• If you agree to be in this study, you will be randomly
assigned (like the flip of a coin) to one of two groups.
• Both groups will do daily mental exercises on a
computer, but the exercises will differ in certain ways.
• The groups will be compared at different time points
over the course of the study to see if either type of
mental exercise is better.
• Altogether, you will be asked to be in this study for
about five months.

Can I participate?

For this study to be right for you, the following must apply:
• Normal or corrected to normal vision (glasses are ok)
• No neurological disorder (Stroke, Parkinson’s, MS)
• Not currently taking any medication for a psychiatric

How do I get more information?

For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Jones, Research Coordinator
Telephone: (902) 494-4033