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Counselling Services: Groups and Workshops

Posted by Counselling and Psychological Services on November 18, 2014 in General Announcements


Do you often feel as though something is missing from your life? Do you just want to be happy?

We spend much of our lives searching for the elusive thing we call happiness. We put a great deal of time and effort into attempting to live a life defined by happiness. Unfortunately, the quest for happiness may not actually culminate in a perfect, fulfilling life. Once we truly understand that happiness is a never-ending quest, we can begin to free ourselves from its trap and in turn live a more enjoyable, fulfilling, value-driven life.
The Pursuit of Happiness Workshop series is based on Dr. Russ Harris' book "The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living." Participants will learn about thought-awareness, mindfulness, and strategies to deal with negative thoughts, emotions, and physical feelings. We will work on developing a mindful connection with our world, and connection with personal values.

Session 2: November 20th, 1:30pm-3:00pm

This Workshop is open to students of Dalhousie, King's and NSCAD only.

To register for the workshop please contact Dalhousie Counselling Services at 902-494-2081 or email
All sessions are held in Counselling Services, located in LeMarchant Place



You may be interested in this workshop for students of Dalhousie, Kings, and NSCAD who want to better understand panic and worry and learn more about effective strategies for dealing with anxiety.

Thursday,  November 20th         10:30 - 12:00   UNDERSTANDING ANXIETY

Register 10 minutes prior to the group
For further information, you may contact or visit
Counselling Centre, 2nd floor, L.M.U. Dalhousie University
or visit our website
Phone: 494-2081



These two-hour workshops include tips on how to fall asleep faster and feel more refreshed during the day.  Participants will also learn relaxation techniques, including deep breathing, progressive muscle relation and visualization.

Saturday, November 22nd                                                     1:00 – 3:00 pm 
Friday, November 28th                                                          10:00 am – 12 noon 

All workshops are to be held within Counselling Services.
 To register, drop into the Counselling Services, 2nd Floor, LeMarchant Place, 1246 LeMarchant Street (next to the Grad House) or e-mail:

Coping with Exam Anxiety

Do you feel so anxious before and during exams that you worry it stands in the way of doing well?  This Workshop is intended for students who experience disruptive anxiety before and/or during exams, despite having generally adequate study habits.  This Workshop will focus on identifying and changing worrisome thoughts, gaining perspective through rational thinking, and calming oneself though breathing and relaxation techniques.
Open to DAL, Kings, and NSCAD students.
90 min workshop:      Tuesday, November 25th                  10:30 – 12 noon
                                   Monday, December 1st                              1:30 – 3:00 pm
To take place at the Counselling Centre, 2nd floor LeMarchant Place
Registration is required as space is limited.
To register, drop by the Counselling Centre, 4th Floor Student Union Building or call 494 - 2081 or e-mail:


Mindfulness Group

 Kathrine Lincoln, M.Sc.  R.Psych.
The Mindfulness Group is for students who would like to learn and practice being aware, present, attentive and focused. Mindfulness practice involves paying attention on purpose with compassion, non-judgmentally, fostering kindness and compassion toward self and others. (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2004)  
Cultivating Mindfulness by learning how to pay attention to present experiences “can directly improve the functioning of the body and brain, subjective mental life with its feelings thoughts, and interpersonal relationships”. (Siegal, 2007)
Drop in:   
Tuesdays                  9-9:45 am    
Wednesdays           3-3:45 pm
For more information contact:

Dalhousie Counselling and Psychological Services Center
2nd Floor, LMU Building, 1246 LeMarchant Street
Phone: 494-2081,
Asperger’s Syndrome/Austism Spectrum Disorder Support Group

Dr. Shannon Johnson will facilitate a group for university students, who have a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),  
Mondays, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
The goal of the group is to help people with ASD adjust to and cope with the social and academic challenges often experienced in university.  This group will also provide opportunities to meet other university students with ASD and learn about social and academic resources available at Dalhousie.
If you are interested in learning more or registering for this group,  
please contact the Dalhousie Counselling Centre by phone 902-494- 2081 or email:


The Eating Disorders Group is an on-going group which continues until the end of the academic year. 
The Group is for students who are experiencing difficulties with eating in the form of severe restrictions or anorexia nervosa, binging with or without purging or bulimia, and compulsive overeating. 
The focus of the group is to provide a safe setting, support self-defined change, and resolve underlying feelings.

Tuesdays:          5:30 – 6:30 pm  

For further information you may contact or visit the Counselling Centre,
2nd floor, LeMarchant Mixed-Use Facility,  Dalhousie University.  
Telephone 494-2081, or visit our website
Or email: