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Healthy volunteers 55+ years needed for study to develop a new measure of attention

Posted by Psychology and Neuroscience on November 3, 2014 in General Announcements

What is the purpose of our study?
•    Problems with attention can happen as we get older, or if someone has a brain disease or injury.
•    Attention can be improved with treatment, but we need to understand what the attention problems are so we can give targeted therapy.
•    We want to see how a new tool for measuring attention compares to the results from already established clinical tests.

How is the study being done?
•    If you agree to be in this study, you will come in for two sessions where you will be given a variety of tasks to complete.
•    The sessions will take place 1-7 days apart, and will take a total of approximately 4 hours of your time.

Can I participate?
For this study to be right for you, all of these must apply:
•    You must be 55 years or older.
•    You must be in good health.
•    You must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
•    You don’t have a history of any neurological or neurosurgical disorders.
•    You have not been treated for a severe psychiatric disorder (e.g., depression or anxiety).

How do I get more information?
For more information, please contact:
Franziska Kintzel, Research Coordinator
Telephone: (902) 494-4033