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Walk your way into fitness with the Dalplex Dashers Walktober team

Posted by Dalplex (Athletics & Recreation) on October 14, 2014 in General Announcements

The Walktober Challenge is all about becoming aware of your activity level and ensuring a more healthy, active lifestyle by simply walking! Dalplex encourages you to join the Dalplex Dashers team and track the number of steps you take throughout the course of a day with a pedometer or with a smart-phone app. The goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day.

Along with weekly prize draws for walkers who track their steps, Dalplex posts walking challenges and routes on the Walkabout site to keep you motivated.

At the end of the month, one lucky team member will win a $100 gift card to Cleve's for a new pair of sneakers!

The first 100 people to join our team will receive a free pedometer!

For more information on joining the team visit: