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Kudos: Dr. Jock Murray, President of the Johnson Society in England

Posted by Division of Medical Education on September 15, 2014 in Kudos

Dr. Jock Murray, neurologist and Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University, is being inducted as President of the Samuel Johnson Society in England at the annual ceremony at Johnson’s birthplace in Lichfield on September 20th. Dr. Johnson was the author of the first great dictionary of the English language.

Dr. Murray is the first president from outside the United Kingdom. Other presidents have included Malcolm Muggeridge, Conor Cruise O’Brien, Dame Beryl Bainbridge, and Nigel Rees.

Over the last three decades Dr. Murray has published academic articles on the illnesses of Dr. Johnson, biographies on many of the physicians involved with Johnson, and medicine in the 18th century.