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Media Highlight: Toronto company to produce Dal‑Capital Health ear probe

Posted by Communications and Marketing on June 17, 2014 in Media Highlights

From the June 10 Chronicle Herald:

People suffering from hearing loss — and their doctors — will likely appreciate a miniature ear-imaging probe held up by one of its inventors before a Halifax audience Tuesday.

“With this miniaturized high-resolution endoscope we can resolve structures in the middle and inner ear in much greater detail than ever before possible,” said Jeremy Brown, an engineering physicist at Dalhousie University.

Development of the tiny imaging device is the result of a collaboration between Capital Health and Dalhousie University’s department of biomedical and electrical engineering.

“The high-quality imaging is not limited to the inner ear; there is a range of applications for the technology,” said Chris Power, president and CEO of Capital Health.

University and health authority officials were on hand at the Life Sciences Research Institute in Halifax to cheer a licensing agreement achieved with Toronto’s Colibri Technologies Inc.

Royalties returned to Capital Health and Dalhousie through the deal will be reinvested in research programs, a news release said.

Read the rest of this story online.