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Notice of Senate Meeting

Posted by Dalhousie University Senate on June 4, 2014 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
Dalhousie University Senate
Monday, June 9, 2014
4:00pm - 6:00pm
University Hall, Macdonald Building
1.      Approval of Agenda
2.      Consent Agenda
2.1.   Approval of Draft Minutes of April 28, 2014 Senate Meeting*
2.2.   Approval of Draft Minutes of May 12, 2014 Senate Meeting*
2.3.   SPGC: University Tenure and Promotion Nomination*
         Motion:  THAT items 2.1-2.3 be approved by Consent.
3.      Matters Arising from the May 12, 2014 Senate Minutes
4.      Chair of Senate’s Report
5.      President’s Report
6.      Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee:
New Program Proposal – Bachelor of Technology, Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture*
Presenter: Claude Caldwell, Associate Dean, Academic, Faculty of Agriculture
7.      Senate Honorary Degrees Committee:
7.1.    Revised Senate Honorary Degrees Criteria and Procedures*
7.2.    IN-CAMERA - Nominations for Spring 2015*
8.      Senate Planning and Governance Committee:
8.1.    Constitutional Review Work Group Report*
8.2.    Revised Policies and Procedures: Senate Review of Faculties*
9.      Senate Learning and Teaching Committee:
9.1.    Revised Code of Student Conduct*
Presenter: Bob Mann, Manager, Discipline and Appeals
9.2.    Hazing Policy*
Presenters: Zane Robison, Executive Director, Student Life
9.3.    Revised Terms of Reference for Teaching Awards*
        Presenter: Brad Wuetherick, Executive Director, Centre for Learning and Teaching
10.   Question Period
11. Other Business