
» Go to news main has a new look

Posted by Communications and Marketing on April 21, 2014 in General Announcements has a new look and added functionality. Updates are still being made, but you can get a sneak preview at
Have you been thinking about creating a blog for your program, department, office, etc.? Now is the time! Send an email to with a short description of the blog you would like to create.

If you already have a blog on – here are some things you'll want to know:

When will your blog have the new look?
We ask that all Dal blog owners update their own blog to the new look starting on Tuesday, April 22.
Detailed instructions about how to update your blog can be found on the site.
About the new theme
In addition to added security, stability and search-optimization, the new theme:
·      is fully responsive (smartphones, tablets, desktop—you name it!)
·      offers four colour variations
·      offers new layout options to make your blog more customizable
·      enables a featured image
Additionally, we have installed plug-ins to help reduce spam (Akismet) and enable drag-and-drop composition—no coding required.
Haven’t blogged in a while?
If your blog is out of action, please send an email to to let us know and we will remove it from the roster of active blogs.
If you’ve let your blog slide but want to get it going again, this is the perfect opportunity!
Support for
Be sure to visit for instructions on configuring your blog.

Please feel free to contact the Dal Blogs team with any questions: