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Media Highlight: Goldcorp, Dalhousie seek to graduate more engineers

Posted by Communications and Marketing on April 17, 2014 in Media Highlights

From Wednesday's Chronicle Herald:

Goldcorp Inc. of Vancouver gave Dalhousie University officials a cheque for $300,000 on Tuesday, along with a plea for more mineral resource engineering graduates.

“The global mining industry faces an acute shortage of about 55,000 engineers by about 2020, and we’re serious about developing talent for our industry,” Peter Dey, a member of the board of directors at Goldcorp, told a room filled with university officials and students.

“We want to increase the number of new graduates entering this field, and we’re confident Dalhousie can expand on its current track record of graduating top-notch mining engineers.”

Dey, a Dalhousie University law graduate, hinted there might be more financial support for the mineral resource engineering program at the university as the international demand for graduates continues to build.

He issued a call for other Canadian mining companies to check out the Dalhousie program and to consider following Goldcorp’s example.

Read the rest of this article online.