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Notice of Senate Meeting

Posted by Dalhousie Senate on April 9, 2014 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
Dalhousie University Senate
Monday, April 14, 2014
4:00pm - 6:00pm
University Hall, Macdonald Building

1.      Approval of Agenda
2.      Consent Agenda
2.1.   Approval of Draft Minutes of March 10, 2014 Senate Meeting*
2.2.   Approval of Draft Minutes of March 24, 2014 Senate Meeting*
         Motion:  THAT items 2.1 - 2.2 be approved by Consent.
3.      Matters Arising from the March 10 & 24, 2014 Senate Minutes
4.      Chair of Senate’s Report
5.      President’s Report
6.      Senate Planning and Governance Committee:
6.1 Election of Senate faculty representative on the Board of Governors*
6.2 Proposal for the New School of Performing Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences*
        Presenter: Rob Summerby-Murray, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
6.3 Minor amendments: Senior Administration Appointments Policy*
7. Strategic Academic Planning: Vision, Mission and Strategic Directions*
        Presenter: Richard Florizone, President and Scott Comber, Facilitator
8.  Question Period
9.  Other Business