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Invitation to participate in Faculty of Medicine research study: Medical Education in a Digital Age

Posted by Faculty of Medicine on April 1, 2014 in General Announcements

I am writing to invite you to help shape our research project approved by Dalhousie University's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Board (REB) and funded by SSHRC.

The project is being led by myself, Dr. Anna MacLeod, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University, as well as co-investigators, and collaborators.

We’re interested in learning about what it means to be a member of our distributed medical education program in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University and your insights will be a big help! In order to be eligible to participate you must be a Faculty of Medicine student, staff or faculty member.

Here’s how it will work: During the month of April 2014, you can help shape our research by sharing a photo, a short reflection, a video or audio clip, a drawing, or anything you choose -- how our distributed medical education program influences your everyday experiences.

If you are interested in participating please go here for submission guidelines:
For study information go here:
For our recruitment poster go here:

Your name will be submitted for a Grand Prize Draw of 1 iPad Mini (16 GB).
If you have any concerns or questions about this research study, please contact Dr. Anna MacLeod or 902.494.7861. You can also contact Catherine Connors, Director, Research Ethics, Dalhousie University at 902.494.1462