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Call for Names and Expressions of Interest for the Position of Dalhousie University Chair of Senate: 2014‑2016

Posted by Dalhousie Senate on February 14, 2014 in General Announcements

Members of Senate and of the university community are encouraged to recommend eligible individuals whom they believe would be well-suited to serve as Chair of Senate.  Expressions of interest from eligible individuals also are welcome.  To serve as an officer of Senate an individual must have served on Senate for at least one year. There is no need to check with any individual named to determine if they are willing to serve.  The Senate Nominating Committee will contact all eligible individuals named to provide them with additional information and to determine their willingness to serve. The role of the Chair of Senate is briefly described in the Position Profile below.
The Senate Nominating Committee requests that all recommendations and expressions of interest be submitted by February 28, 2014 to:, Attention Stephen Brooks, Chair, Senate Nominating Committee. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Brousseau, Secretary of Senate at or 494-1598.
Position Profile - Chair of Senate
The Chair of Senate plays a pivotal role in ensuring that Senate is an effective and responsive body within the university community.  The Senate has academic jurisdiction over the granting of degrees, the creation and dissolution of academic programs, academic planning, and student discipline, among other important mandates. The Senate Chair, with the Senate Vice-Chairs and the University Secretariat, initiates, co-ordinates, monitors and communicates the activities of the Dalhousie University Senate and its committees as well as facilitates the many interfaces of Senate with the rest of the University.
The Chair of Senate provides general oversight of the business of the Senate, chairs meetings of the Senate and the Senate Planning and Governance Committee, and serves on the Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee and the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee and has oversight responsibility for the reviews of Faculties, Libraries and affiliated Institutions. The Chair also sets the agenda for Senate meetings.  In addition, the Chair serves as an ex-officio member on the Board of Governors, the Board's Academic Affairs and Research Committee and other committees as the need arises.
Those persons eligible to be considered for the position of Chair of Senate include those who have served on Senate for at least one year. It should be noted that Senators elected as Officers of Senate receive automatic extensions of their terms as members of Senate until the completion of their term(s) as a Senate Officer.  Chair of Senate duties are currently equivalent to 70% FTE of a normal workload.