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Notice of Senate Meeting

Posted by Dalhousie Senate on February 5, 2014 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
Dalhousie University Senate
Monday, February 10, 2014
4:00pm - 6:00pm
University Hall, Macdonald Building
1.      Approval of Agenda
2.      Consent Agenda
2.1.   Approval of Draft Minutes of December 9, 2013 Senate Meeting*
2.2.   Approval of Draft Minutes of January 13, 2013 Senate Meeting*
         Motion:  THAT items 2.1 - 2.2 be approved by Consent.
3.      Matters Arising from the December 9, 2013 and January 13, 2014 Senate Minutes
4.      Chair of Senate’s Report
5.      President’s Report

FOR APPROVAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
6. Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Draft Senate Procedure for Approval of Honorary Degree Candidates*
7. Senate Honorary Degrees Committee:
    7.1 Draft Senate Honorary Degrees Committee Criteria and Procedures*
    7.2 In-Camera: Honorary Degree Nominations for Fall 2014-Spring 2015*
8.      Senate Learning and Teaching Committee: Draft Accommodation Policy*
Presenter: Quenta Adams, Advising & Access Services, Student Services                                     
9. Question Period
10. Other Business