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Media Highlight: President Florizone offers advice to students and parents in the Globe and Mail

Posted by Communications and Marketing on September 5, 2013 in Media Highlights

From the Globe and Mail website:

My most vivid memory of university is the powerful emotional bookends of that first semester. At the beginning of the semester, an intense mix of excitement, anxiety, anticipation and thrill when contemplating new studies, new friends, a new city and a new life. At the end of the semester, the tremendous feeling of accomplishment.

Students: You’re entering a new intellectual environment, where professors will expect you to think more deeply and thoroughly than you ever have before. It’ll be hard work, but if you embrace this opportunity I promise this first semester will be among the most transformative experiences of your life. So enjoy orientation week, but then focus on your studies – and embrace the life of the mind.

Parents: Let go. Think back to when you first went to university or left home. You’ll remember this is a time of significant personal growth. Your daughter or son needs the space to explore, make new friends and navigate challenges on their own. ... University is about learning and discovery. Prepare to see a changed person in the coming months. It’s common for students to try out several majors, switch programs and discover new directions. Don’t be concerned if this happens; it’s all part of the journey.

Read more advice on the Globe and Mail's website.