» Go to news mainTeaching Assistant Posting: University of King's College
The Early Modern Studies Programme (EMSP) at the University of King’s College invites applications for a Teaching Assistant to handle duties in EMSP 2480.03F (cross-listed as HIST 2750.03F), “The Pirate and Piracy”. EMSP 2480 is an interdisciplinary course which examines philosophical, historical, and literary treatments of pirates and piracy in the early modern period (roughly 1500 to 1800), with reference to ancient, medieval, and later periods in European and non-European history. Duties may include marking written assignments, holding office hours, attending lectures, and meeting occasionally with the professor. Please consult the Dalhousie Academic Timetable regarding the class time. Candidates may come from various fields but should have at least an undergraduate degree. A background in some area of early modern studies would be an asset but not required. The appointment will be at the level of TA130 and the pay scale will match the recent collective agreement between Dalhousie and CUPE. University of King’s College is an equal opportunity employer. Applications should be received no later than Wednesday, September 4.
Please leave a cover letter and a copy of your C.V. at the front desk of the A&A Building for:
Dr. Simon Kow
Early Modern Studies Programme
University of King’s College
Halifax, NS B3H 2A1
Phone: (902) 422-1271, ex. 156