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ASPIRE Graduate Fellowships

Posted by ASPIRE (Applied Science in Photonics and Innovative Research in Engineering) on May 23, 2013 in General Announcements

Open Call for ASPIRE Fellowships

ASPIRE — Applied Science in Photonics and Innovative Research in Engineering, funded by an NSERC CREATE program — is a training program in Nanotechnology and Photonics (and related fields) at Dalhousie University with collaborations with University of Toronto, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, and Wilfrid Laurier University, Windsor, and with international research institutes in the United States, Europe, Japan, and with Canadian high-tech companies.

ASPIRE will award full-stipend graduate fellowships to two second-year Dalhousie University students — one Masters ($16,500) and one PhD student ($21,000) — on a competitive basis. These fellowships are for one year only and they are not renewable.

• Awards will be granted on the basis of originality of the proposed subject and on the applicants’ academic performance in all required graduate courses
• Applicants in any field of study, i.e. natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, medicine, etc., whose research work is relevant to photonics and/or nanotechnology and/or any related field are eligible. For example, a history student might focus on the history of photonics, an English student look into the development of the terminology of nanotechnology or a dentistry student investigate effects of nanoparticles, etc.
• The awards will be tenable in any academic department of Dalhousie University during the academic year 2013-2014
• Applicants must be full-time Dalhousie-registered students and must have completed their coursework in order to be eligible to apply
• The selection process will be completely blind as any identifying information will be removed by the program co-ordinator from the applications before they are sent to the selection committee

Application requirements:
• A cover letter (maximum 1 page) describing the research project, its significance and its relevance to photonics and nanotechnology
• Graduate academic transcripts
• Sealed, signed letter of reference from the graduate supervisor
• Applicant’s contact information
• Deadline for applications is June 17, 2013.  The selection of the successful candidates will be made by the end of June 2013

Send applications to:

Liz Joyce, ASPIRE program co-ordinator
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
P.O. Box 15000, Halifax, N.S.  B3H 4R2

Or drop off to: Liz Joyce, ASPIRE program co-ordinator
Sexton campus C Building, Room C367, 1360 Barrington St., Halifax, N.S.  B3J 1Z1

For any questions, contact Ms. Joyce via email at or call 902-494-6377.
