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Notice of Senate Meeting: May 13

Posted by Dalhousie Senate on May 8, 2013 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
Dalhousie University Senate
Monday, May 13, 2013
4:00pm - 6:00pm
University Hall, Macdonald Building
1.   Approval of Agenda
2.   Consent Agenda
2.1. Approval of Draft Minutes of April 8, 2013 Senate Meeting*
         Motion:  THAT item 2.1 be approved by Consent.
3.   Matters Arising from the April 8, 2013 Senate Minutes
4.   Chair of Senate’s Report
5.   President’s Report
6.   Senate Nominating Committee: Nomination of Senate Vice-Chair (Academic Programs)*
7.   Senate Planning and Governance Committee:
7.1. Overview of University Institutes
Speaker: John Newhook, Associate Vice-President, Research
7.2.  Institute for Big Data Analytics Proposal*
      Speakers: Michael Shepherd, Dean, Faculty of Computer Science
                Stan Matwin, Professor, Faculty of Computer Science
7.3.  Institute for Children and Youth in Challenging Contexts Proposal*
      Speaker: Michael Ungar, Killam Professor, School of Social Work
8.    Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee: Doctoral Degree in Law converted from a JSD to a PhD*
      Speaker: Kim Brooks, Dean, Schulich School of Law
9.    IN CAMERA Senate Honorary Degrees Committee: Honorary Degree Nominations Fall 2013 – Spring 2014*       
FOR DISCUSSION                                                                                                                                                                   
10.    IN CAMERA Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Proposal from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
       Speaker: Rob Summerby Murray, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
11.    University Appointments:
11.1.  New Academic Appointments Policy*
11.2.  Revised Policy on Senior Administrative Appointments*
11.3.  Guidelines on Adjunct Appointments* (For Information)
11.4.  Policy Addressing appointments in Medicine*
       Speakers: Karen Crombie, University Legal Counsel
                  Jasmine Walsh, Director, Academic Staff Relations
                  Tom Marrie, Dean, Faculty of Medicine
12.   Question Period
13.   Other Business