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Media Highlight: Girls talk tech buzzing at Dalhousie

Posted by Communications and Marketing on April 11, 2013 in Media Highlights

From the Chronicle Herald:

‘Teaching Tech to Women,’ the latest part in the ‘Girls Talk Tech’ series put on by the Dalhousie Women in Technology Society illustrated a serious need for more women in the technology sector.

Emily Boucher, Executive Director of CanWIT (Canadian Women in Technology) was one of the speakers at the event. She said the tech sector needs to do a better job of bringing more women into the fold.

“We want to see more women getting into the tech sector, but not only that, in leadership roles,” she said.

Currently women make up 24 per cent of Canada’s entire tech sector, with 17 per cent in core technology roles such as programming and engineering.

Boucher said the barriers that currently prevent more women from considering tech as a career include: a lack of mentorship and role models, difficult work-life balance and few supportive environments within the workplace.

Read the rest of this article at the Chronicle Herald's website.