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Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture ‑ 14th annual Graduate Research Days

Posted by Faculty of Agriculture on April 9, 2013 in General Announcements

Graduate students at Dalhousie’s Faculty of Agriculture are gearing up for the 14th annual Graduate Research Days Thursday and Friday, April 18 and 19th. The event, hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture, promotes current graduate student research and gives students an opportunity to explain the importance of their work to the Faculty, industry and the general public.

With 28 students participating, oral and poster presentations will be held over two days. The entire event takes place in the Riverview Room, Jenkins Hall, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus and is open to the public. Topics to be discussed include Pesticides in honey bee hives in the Maritime Provinces, Variable rate granular fertilizer spreader for spot specific fertilization, Microbial extraction of chitin from lobster shells for plant disease management and much more.

Keynote speaker at the event is Doug Wallace, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Ocean Science and Technology, Dalhousie University Understanding Our Changing Oceans: Many Needs and Some Solutions

Douglas Wallace is a world leader in developing new technologies to measure changes to the world's oceans.

Wallace spent more than a decade working as a scientist at the prestigious Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States. He also made significant scientific contributions to his field through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the US Department of Energy, where he developed the first survey to measure the global distribution of fossil-fuel carbon in the oceans.

Wallace is highly skilled at building successful multidisciplinary research teams, including CARBOOCEAN, a five-year study of the ocean carbon cycle, SOLAS, a global project investigating interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean. He also led the development of an ocean and atmosphere observatory on the Cape Verde Islands off the West African coast.

Graduate Research Days began in 2000 as part of the Graduate Communications Skills and Seminar class. Successful scientific presentations are one aspect taught in this course.
Dalhousie’s Faculty of Agriculture offers a two-year Master of Science Program in Agriculture, in Bio-resources and Environmental Sciences, Plant Sciences and Animal Science.

For more information:
Sara Murphy
Research and Development Coordinator
(902) 893-6028