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Blog Highlight: Passport to Dal

Posted by Registrar's Office / Communications and Marketing on April 9, 2013 in Blog Highlights

Follow Gillian MacDonald with Dal's Admissions and Recruitment team as she travels to Colombia to share her love of Dal with prospective students, parents and school counsellors.

‘Whirlwind’ doesn’t begin to describe what days can be like on the road. To give you an insider’s perspective on the life of a recruiter, I thought I’d share my schedule for the day:

4:10 a.m. If you’re not an early riser, this is an awful time to be awake. Since I don’t sleep well the night before an early morning flight, I’m cranky and have a headache from lack of sleep and the high altitude I mentioned earlier. “If only I liked coffee,” is all I can think as I scramble around my hotel room in preparation for check-out.

4:36 a.m. I’m one of the first from our tour lining up for check-out. There’s last minute chaos as hotel staff run to rooms to ensure we’ve not left anything behind, and Council of International Schools (CIS) participants hustle around the lobby to find their bus buddies before departing.

4:45 a.m. With everyone on the bus, we head to the airport. Our group is prompt – we know tardiness will only result in finding our own transportation to the aiport.

5:25 a.m. We arrive at the airport. One perk of group travel is having boarding passes pre-arranged. We drop off our bags off at the counter, take our tickets, and head for the gate.

5:50 a.m. No lines at security. Amazing! Especially considering the growing number of people milling about as the sun starts to shine on another day. I’m through the security scanner and on my way to gate 12.

6:02 a.m. Discuss responsibilities for an upcoming presentation with my CIS colleagues.

6:17 a.m. Stare off into space while waiting for our flight to board.

6:18 a.m. Eat breakfast. Continue staring.

7:35 a.m. We’re finally off to Cali – 45 minutes behind schedule – after sitting on the runway waiting for clearance to take off.

9:15 a.m. After a bumpy but successful flight to Cali, we’ve arrived at Colegio Colombo Britanico for another college fair. We have a quick bite to eat (gracious hosts!) and rush off to set up for our fair.

12:05 p.m. Great fair! Great students! Beautiful school! And now we’re off to our second fair of the day.

Read the rest of thsi post, and more posts from Gillian, at the Passport to Dal blog.