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Senate Nominating Committee call for nominations: Senate Vice‑Chair (Academic Programs)

Posted by Dalhousie Senate on March 6, 2013 in General Announcements

Members of the University community who wish to submit nominations for the position of Vice‐Chair (Academic Programs) should send their nominations to David Black, Chair, Senate Nominating Committee, University Secretariat, Room 210, Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building, by April 15, 2013.

All nominations MUST have the consent of the nominees.

SENATE VICE‐CHAIR (ACADEMIC PROGRAMS) - Term – July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015

The Vice‐Chair (Academic Programs) provides oversight of matters relating to Academic Programs, including the consideration of proposals for new, modified, suspended and terminated programs, and reviews of interdisciplinary academic and research Centres and Institutes. The Vice‐Chair (Academic Programs) serves as an ex‐officio member on the Senate Planning and Governance Committee, the Senate Honorary Degrees Committee, and is the Chair for the Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee. The Vice‐Chair (Academic Programs) presides over Senate meetings in the absence of the Chair, and represents the Chair at meetings of other groups, as required.

Those persons eligible to be considered for the position of Vice‐Chair (Academic Programs) include all former and current Academic Unit Senators, the latter of whom must have served a year of their term by June 30, 2013. Senators elected as Officers of Senate will receive automatic extensions of their terms as members of Senate until the completion of their term(s) as Senate Officers.

Please contact Susan Brousseau, Director, University Secretariat, if you have any questions regarding the call for nominations.