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Move More Month celebrates Dal employees and departments who are getting physical

Posted by Human Resources on February 11, 2013 in Community Highlights

Throughout the month of February, Dalhousie is raising awareness about the benefits of physical activity. There are many employees and departments organizing their own events that we’d like to give a shout out to for their commitment and creativity.

Information Technology & Service (ITS) is holding a decathlon for its employees, which includes organizing ten events over the course of 2013 in an effort to get employees moving. The first event was held in late January with a skate at the Emera Oval (photo above). As part of Move More Month, a Zumba class will be held in February. The remaining events for the year are still being planned, so stay tuned.

Steve Morley from MedIT tested his physical endurance when he ran up 86 floors of the Empire State Building in New York City on February 6. To read more about Steve’s accomplishment, check out this blog post.

The list below includes remaining events scheduled on the Halifax and Truro campuses as part of Move More Month:

  • Zumba Party (Studley Campus and Sexton Campus) – February 15th: Heard about the Zumba craze and want to try it out?  A free class will be held both in the Studley Gym (12:05-12:55 pm) and the Sexton Gym (1:05-1:55 pm) to get your body moving and your heart pumping. No experience, or coordination, required. Bring dry sneakers to change into and some water to keep you hydrated
  • Pedometer Challenge (Agricultural Campus) – February 11 – 15
  • Free Zumba Class (Agricultural Campus) – February 20, 5 p.m.
  • Free Lunch Time Fitness Class (Agricultural Campus) – February 25, 12 p.m. (contact for inquiries at the Agricultural Campus)

There are also many community events and organizations promoting physical activity during the winter months. Here are just a few to help you stay motivated:

  • February 14, the Emera Oval will have a Valentine’s Day event. Read more about the scheduled events on the Oval.
  • February 15 is Winter Bike to Work Day - Halifax is one of five cities across Canada participating in the Winter Bike to Work Day.
  • February 1 – 28, Heart & Stroke Foundation and Take the Roof off Winter are promoting winter walk days during February. You can register your group for red toques and a winter walk day kit, and email for additional prizes including key chain lights and water bottle to distribute or draw for during your own event.
  • 2013 Winter Guided Snowshoe Hike series - Hike Nova Scotia, eight host organizations and Take the Roof off Winter have partnered to offer 25 guided snowshoe hikes throughout the province until the end of March.
  • Take the Roof off Winter offers great tips, events and activities to do during the winter.
  • Stepping Up Halifax is a collaborative partnership with seven lead organizations, including Dalhousie, designed to encourage physical activity.

Let us know what your unit, department or area is doing in recognition of Move More Month by sending an email to To stay informed, check out the Healthy Dal blog at