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Reminder ‑ Canada Pension and Employment Insurance contributions for 2013

Posted by Human Resources on January 7, 2013 in Human Resources

January is the beginning of a new tax year, so Canada Pension (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI) contributions will be deducted until the 2013 yearly maximums are reached. This year the annual maximum for CPP is $2,356.20 and for EI it is $891.12.
The Basic Personal Exemption for Federal Income Tax is $11,038 and there is no change to the NS Provincial Tax. As in previous years, the tax rates and exemptions will be updated automatically but should you have had changes to your status, you should complete a new TD1 form and submit to Payroll, 5248 Morris Street.
The T4s for 2012 will be available mid to late February. If you have not previously done so but wish to receive your T4/T4A slip online, please go to Dal Online, click on Web for Employees, Electronic Tax Forms Consent and tick the consent box and submit.