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Media Highlight: Engineering prof on remembering the tragedy at l'Ecole Polytechnique

Posted by Communications and Marketing on December 6, 2012 in Media Highlights

From News

First-year engineering student Wendy Gentleman spent the night of the Montreal Massacre huddled and terrified in her Montreal dorm room at McGill University.

She had heard reports on the radio that a gunman was systematically shooting female engineering students at l'Ecole Polytechnique.

"At that point they didn't know if there was only one gunman," Gentleman told News 95.7. "They thought some had escaped and were headed over to Montreal. So, we spent a terrified evening in our dorm rooms with the doors locked answering phone calls from scared people."


"The same way that people will remember where they were the day the plains hit the towers or Kennedy was assassinated, I think every woman of my generation is going to remember where they were that night," she said.  

Today, Gentleman is an associate professor in the Engineering, Mathematics and Internetworking Department at Dalhousie University and she participates in the university's annual day of remembrance.

"I think you can learn from tragedies," she said. "We commemorate all sorts of things. The key is the keep it relevant. Think of it as something for giving them hope and recognizing that they are the only one to limit their dreams."

Read the rest of the story at the News 95.7 website.

Also,the Faculty of Engineering will be hosting a Remembrance Candlelight Ceremony in the Alumni Lounge at 6:30 p.m. this evening to commemorate the Ecole Polytechnique massacre on December 6, 1989.

DALENG would like to invite everyone to join us for this quiet and thought-provoking ceremony. Upon arrival to the alumni lounge, you will be given a candle to light at the end of the ceremony, which will be approximately 20 minutes. The ceremony is non-denominational and open to the Halifax community.