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Emergency preparedness and response

Posted by Communications, Marketing & Creative on June 1, 2023 in News

Below you will find suggested Dalhousie University experts who can speak to current topics of regional, provincial, national, and international interest for Thursday, June 1, 2023.

Provincial, municipal and personal emergency preparedness
Dalhousie Expert: 
Dr. Kevin Quigley, Professor, Director, MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance, Professor, School of Public Administration 
Research Specialties: Public sector risk and crisis management, strategic management and critical infrastructure protection

The MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance has created a list of resources on emergency response and evacuation. 

Pet evacuation planning
Dalhousie Expert
: Dr. Haorui Wu, Canada Research Chair in Resilience, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Research Specialties:  Environmental justice and social justice, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, public interest design, mixed-method research, disaster mental health, one welfare and human-animal bond, adaptive social protection, settlement service, social network analysis, and GIS

Disaster and emergency response for vulnerable populations (older adults, children, youth, LGBTQ communities and animals) and disaster mental health and support
Dalhousie Expert
: Dr. Haorui Wu, Canada Research Chair in Resilience, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Research Specialties:  Environmental justice and social justice, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, public interest design, mixed-method research, disaster mental health, one welfare and human-animal bond, adaptive social protection, settlement service, social network analysis, and GIS

Please note that Dr. Wu has limited availability until Sunday with more availability next week. 
