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Posted by Communications and Marketing on March 23, 2022 in News

Below you will find suggested Dalhousie University experts who can speak to current topics of regional, provincial, national and international interest for Wednesday, March 23, 2022.

Liberals and NDP strike a supply and confidence agreement.

Dalhousie Expert: Lori Turnbull, Director, School of Public Administration.
Research Specialties: Canadian parliamentary governance, Political ethics, Elections, Electoral systems, Public engagement.
Contact: lturnbul@dal.ca,  902-225-8757

CP Rail and union representing conductors, engineers, train and yard workers, agree to arbitration.

Dalhousie Expert: Dr. Lars Osberg, Professor, Department of Economics.
Research Specialties: Labour economics, income and wealth distribution.
Contactlars.osberg@dal.ca, 902-494-6988