
Ask an expert: Barriers to care for transgender and nonbinary people

Ask an expert: Barriers to care for transgender and nonbinary people

Dr. Hilary MacCormick, an anesthesiologist in the Department of Women's and Obstetric Anesthesia and assistant professor at Dalhousie, discusses some of the barriers, stress, and marginalization transgender and noxnbinary people face in accessing gender-affirming surgery.  Read more.

Featured News

Courtney Bragg
Friday, June 14, 2024
Dal and the Immigration Services Association of Nova Scotia host a fundraising event on campus later this month to help newcomers.
Kenneth Conrad
Thursday, June 13, 2024
The Atlantic Science Links Association’s second junior high science contest brought some of Nova Scotia’s brightest young scientific minds to the Dalhousie campus for a celebration of their achievements.
Matt Reeder
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Dal President Kim Brooks recruited a Costume Studies student to create a new design for her ceremonial garb, one that better reflects the land Dal sits on, the university's values, and her own identity.

Archives - Community

Gabrielle Milner
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Nearly three years since the pandemic forced Dalhousie students to leave campus and face an uncertain future, the Fountain School’s third-year acting class has imagined an alternate lockdown through their devised theatre piece: Not Now, Not Yet.
Jure Gantar
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Set in the Donbas region, Ballad of the Motherland interposes exploration of the war with one woman’s struggle to understand her place in it and the world.
Fikayo Kayode
Monday, February 6, 2023
The goal of the week is to collaborate with partners on student-centered health promotion programs and educational opportunities.
Matt Reeder
Friday, February 3, 2023
The story behind Dal's February holiday, including a look at the man called Munro and the students who lobbied to honour him with a mid-winter pause.
Matt Reeder
Thursday, February 2, 2023
The African Nova Scotian flag was hoisted at Dal Wednesday as part of an African Heritage Month kick-off event centred around the importance of paying homage to ancestors.