
Ask an expert: Barriers to care for transgender and nonbinary people

Ask an expert: Barriers to care for transgender and nonbinary people

Dr. Hilary MacCormick, an anesthesiologist in the Department of Women's and Obstetric Anesthesia and assistant professor at Dalhousie, discusses some of the barriers, stress, and marginalization transgender and noxnbinary people face in accessing gender-affirming surgery.  Read more.

Featured News

Courtney Bragg
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Dal and the Immigration Services Association of Nova Scotia host a fundraising event on campus later this month to help newcomers.
Kenneth Conrad
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The Atlantic Science Links Association’s second junior high science contest brought some of Nova Scotia’s brightest young scientific minds to the Dalhousie campus for a celebration of their achievements.
Matt Reeder
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Dal President Kim Brooks recruited a Costume Studies student to create a new design for her ceremonial garb, one that better reflects the land Dal sits on, the university's values, and her own identity.

Archives - Community

Theresa Anne Salah
Friday, June 23, 2023
On International Women in Engineering Day, the new president of Dalhousie's undergraduate engineering society opened up about her struggles with burnout and how a group of female peers gave her the strength return to her studies after some time away.
Stefanie Wilson
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Pollinator walls designed and built by Dal students are being installed on campus during Dalhousie Biodiversity Week, promising to attract more bees and other creatures to university grounds.
Matt Reeder
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
The Dal community had a chance to discover medicine plants cherished by Indigenous peoples and attend a campus smudging ceremony as part of National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations this year.
Staff (with files from Mitacs)
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Dalhousie's Centre for Water Resources Studies has partnered with the Atlantic First Nation Water Authority — a first-of-its-kind Indigenous water utility — and Mitacs to train students supporting the mission of safer drinking water and clean wastewater for participating communities.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Award criteria includes high and consistent performance, new approaches and initiatives, positive influence and leadership, impact on the university community, and alignment with organizational mission, vision and values.