
Explore Indigenous art at Dalhousie with this self‑guided walking tour

Explore Indigenous art at Dalhousie with this self‑guided walking tour

To celebrate National Indigenous History Month, learn where you can find campus buildings, spaces and artwork that pay tribute to Indigenous artists, ceremonies, and stories.  Read more.

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Archives - Community

Shiloh Bouvette
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A mural designed by Mi’kmaw artist Tayla Fern Paul will be painted at the intersection of Larch and Jennings streets near Dalhousie this month — a project that brings together neighbours, students and the Dalhousie community to promote mutual respect in the area.
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On Sept. 1, 1923, the governors of Dalhousie University and King’s College signed articles of association, entwining the two institutions academically and culturally. Now, 100 years later, community leaders pause to reflect on their shared history and path forward.
Simon Sherry
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We often think of self-esteem as either high or low, but the level of your self-esteem might be less important than the stability of your self-esteem, writes Dal's Simon Sherry.
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K.R. Byggdin is the latest recipient of Atlantic Canada’s most prestigious prize for fiction for their debut novel, Wonder World.
Sara Kirk and Julia Kontak
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Involving youth in promoting health in schools can catalyze students’ ability to bring about positive change. On International Youth Day and year round, more adults could lift up youth voices, write Sara Kirk and Julia Kontak.