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Dalhousie rises in latest Top 50 Research Universities list

- January 18, 2023

The 2022 list from Research Infosource placed Dalhousie at 16th place overall. (Nick Pearce photo)
The 2022 list from Research Infosource placed Dalhousie at 16th place overall. (Nick Pearce photo)

A new spotlight in this year’s Research Infosource list of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities has placed Dalhousie at the top of the list for its success with securing national funding grants from the Government of Canada.

The 2022 list also included a step up to 16th place overall thanks to Dalhousie’s growth in research income (FY2020-FY2021).

Triple threat

This year, Research Infosource spotlighted granting council research income performance — as measured by research income received from each granting council between FY2017-FY2021 at full-service universities.

Canada's Tri-Agencies (SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR) are the largest source of investigator-led research funding in the nation, and most investigator-led research at Dalhousie is funded through them.

Dalhousie placed first among medical tier universities for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) research income as a percentage of total research income with 5.6 per cent.

The university also took the top spot for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) research income as a percentage of total research income with 19.1 per cent.

Dalhousie’s Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) research income as a percentage of total research income resulted in sixth place with 14.2 per cent.

In addition to Dalhousie’s Tri-Agency funding successes, the university’s Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) research income, which helps to fund the infrastructure needs of researchers was 5.2 per cent of total research income, earning fifth place.

Dalhousie's SSHRC, NSERC and CFI funding results earned Dalhousie a place in the Winners’ Circle table.

Recommended reading: Dalhousie climbs higher in 2023 Maclean’s University Rankings

Inside the numbers

Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities ranks full-service universities based on their total sponsored research income and takes into account total sponsored research income, research intensity per faculty, research intensity per graduate student, total number of publications, publication intensity and publication impact.

Research Infosource is a leading Canadian research, consulting, and publishing firm and a leading source of ranking information on research universities, corporations, hospitals, and colleges.                            
