A "blue wave" of ocean pride for Tall Ships 2017

Wear blue for the Parade of Sail on Tues, Aug 1

- July 27, 2017

Wear blue and wave!
Wear blue and wave!

The visit from the Tall Ships Regatta is poised to be one of the biggest events in Halifax this summer.

Thousands of visitors will hit the waterfront as 40 ships and 3,000 crew members dock in Halifax Harbour for the weekend. And the culmination of the event will be Tuesday’s Parade of Sail, as the vessels raise their sails and, one by one, make their way out to sea.

Given the importance of the ocean to our city and region’s past, present and future, Dalhousie University and the Halifax Waterfront Development Corporation want to help make the Parade of Sail into a big, blue celebration of ocean pride.

The two organizations have come together to encourage everyone who’s heading to the waterfront to watch the Parade of Sail on Tuesday to wear blue.

“The iconic Parade of Sail is the perfect backdrop to highlight Nova Scotia’s connection to the ocean — how it’s shaped our past and present, and how it holds the key for a more sustainable, prosperous future,” says Catherine Bagnell Styles, assistant vice-president of communications and marketing at Dalhousie.

“We’re asking everyone attending the Parade of Sail to wear blue as we wave farewell to the fleet with a celebration of our ocean pride.”

The university has produced a short promo video to help promote the “blue wave,” featuring several community members as well as Biology Professor Boris Worm.

Planning on attending the Parade of Sail on Tuesday, August 1? The parade starts at 12 noon and can be viewed from both the Halifax and Dartmouth Waterfronts. Don’t forget to wear blue!