Sticks swiped

- February 15, 2010

Talk about a bad week.

Not only did the Dalhousie Tigers Men’s Hockey team failed to advance to the post season, someone stole all their hockey sticks.

Twenty-five Easton SE16 hockey sticks valued at more than $250 each were swiped from the stick room at Dalhousie Memorial Arena late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. Only the sticks were taken; other pieces of equipment, such as skates, were passed over.

The Tigers alerted Hockey Nova Scotia to the theft, which in turn sent out the message to players and coaches throughout the province.

“We’re trying to let people know that if someone comes up to you with this kind of stick and asks for, say 50 bucks, it’s too good of a deal to be true,” says head coach Pete Belliveau. “And plus we’d really like our sticks back.”

The theft represents a major blow to the Tigers' budget: “We’re talking about $7,000 here,” says Coach Belliveau.


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