Picture yourself in politics

- February 10, 2010

Do you have what it takes to be a member of the DSU council? Well, now is your chance! This week is the official start of the DSU eection season! The call for nominations is happening this week (February 8 to the 12) with the nomination period being the following week. Any full or part-time Dalhousie student who meets the requirements set out in Section 8 of the Constitution, can get a nomination form by clicking here.

The positions of President, Vice President (internal), Vice President (Education) and Vice President (Student Life) are all open for nomination. Also, there will be three undergraduate student Senate representatives and one graduate Senate representative available.

Nominations close on Friday, February 19 at 6 p.m. and further information can be found through our Facebook group (DSU Elections 2010). You can also contact Anne-Marie Dubois, the chief returning officer, at an853467@dal.ca.

Good luck to all!


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